Thursday, March 26, 2015

Soporte en español ahora disponible

Information provided by the GlobalHealthAlliance Crew at: Hablas español? El equipo de Glutathione.MD ahora ofrece soporte completamente en español, sobre sus productos y el plan de negocio. Hemos tenido varias consultas desde México y otros países de habla hispana, referente a Immunocal® y otros productos de Immunotec®, así como la oportunidad de negocio. En las próximas semanas, estaremos traduciendo todo el contenido de marketing y el sistema de información en Glutathione.MD, para su conveniencia. Esperamos poder ayudarlo en cualquier duda que tenga acerca de nuestros productos o el plan de negocio.">

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

PubMed Articles: Glutathione, GSH, Immunocal®

Information provided by GlobalHealthAlliance:   I was having a conversation with a friend on Skype today and we ended up on PubMed. So, I thought I would give some direct links to the articles regarding; Glutathione, GSH and Immunocal® which are available for review. (over 100,000 articles *opens new page) (over 27,000 articles *opens new page) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.">

Side Effects - Doctors Not Always Informed!?

Information provided by GlobalHealthAlliance: I was flipping through some news items tonight and discovered a rather alarming article, regarding side effects, that follows up quite nicely with our previous post. One of the thoughts that instantly came to mind as I read; was the fact that soon after my mother died of cancer in '94, I stopped taking what my doctor prescribed and opted for preventative supplements or alternative medicines from that point forward. The tipping point for me was my second bout with strep throat (in about 2 months), which saw me having to go to the emergency room at St.">


Information provided by GlobalHealthAlliance: VACCINES - VIRUSES - INFLUENZAPALOOZA!!! Aren't you TIRED of all the HYPE and HYSTERIA? Wouldn't you prefer to know you are protected by something that does not have a list of side effects that quite honestly should be where the FEAR is directed? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that vaccines and the like are not really part of the normal metabolic make up of our bodies. We will not get into the conspiracy theories regarding these controversial practices, but we will discuss a valid alternative.">

Monday, March 23, 2015

New Immunocal® Testimonial - Ovarian Cancer

Information provided by the GlobalHealthAlliance Crew at: There are several different testimonials available on our website, which you can find by clicking here and we are reporting another Immunocal® testimonial that has just been received in this post. There are so many reasons to take Immunocal® on a daily basis for maintaining good health.

Immunocal® Platinum

Information provided by the GlobalHealthAlliance Crew at:   Immunocal® Platinum - The Enhanced Formula   In 2004, Dr. Wulf Droge joined the other scientists at Immunotec®, bringing over 40 years of research experience in Germany with him. The end result after extensive formulation research, was Immunocal® Platinum. Many people ask us what the difference is between Immunocal® and Immunocal® Platinum. The simple answer to this question is that they are the exact same product, but the Immunocal® Platinum version has an additional 2.5 grams of ingredients to benefit you in additional ways.">

Immunocal® Information System

Immunocal® Information System: Immunocal® Information System Welcome to the most comprehensive website available today for Immunocal® information. We have designed this site in a way that makes it easy to access all the important information available, so that you can fully understand how Immunocal® can benefit you and your family. If you are hearing about Immunocal® for the first time, start with the WHAT IS IMMUNOCAL® section, above. From there, you will find links at the bottom of each page which will lead you to the next section.">

Autism Clinical Trial

Autism Clinical Trial: We felt it was important to let you know that there is a clinical trial currently underway with Immunocal® and children with Autism. There is not very much to say regarding Immunocal® or the CT at this stage, other than the … Continue reading → The post Clinical Trial Ongoing appeared first on Immunocal® and Autism.